How to use hopguard instructions
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Strips should be hung between brood frames. Refer to package label for full instructions. Read More. $37.95. Buy 10 for $34.95 ea. For use in honey bee colonies to control Varroa mites (Varroa destructor) Maximize efficacy by following all label instructions including dosage and How to Use HopGuard. (Please refer to label for full instructions) Easy—AND SAFE—to Use · The daytime temperature should be above 50°F (10°C). · Use 2 strips per brood chamber (i.e. one strip per 5 frames of bees; two strips per HopGuard mite control uses an acid derived from the hop plant to reduce mites. Refer to package label for full instructions.How to Use HopGuard® II (Please refer to label for full instructions):. 1. How many insert strips per colony? Strips are applied at a rate of two insert
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